ECONOMY $219 Total
Formation Cost Includes State Fee And Legal Publication Fee
Placing Legal Publication With The County
Filing Of DBA Application With The State
Email Updates
Email Delivery Of Approved Application
Approval Guarantee Or Your Money Back
1 Hour Of Tax Webinar
Free Support And Documents For Life
ADVANCED $289 Total
Formation Cost Includes State Fee And Legal Publication Fee
Placing Legal Publication With The County
Filing Of DBA Application With The State
Email Updates
Email Delivery Of Approved Application
Approval Guarantee Or Your Money Back
1 Hour Of Tax Webinar
Free Support And Documents For Life
+ + Tax ID Number (EIN)
BEST DEAL $359 Total
Formation Cost Includes State Fee And Legal Publication Fee
Placing Legal Publication With The County
Filing Of DBA Application With The State
Email Updates
Email Delivery Of Approved Application
Approval Guarantee Or Your Money Back
1 Hour Of Tax Webinar
Free Support And Documents For Life
+ + Tax ID Number (EIN)
+ + Certificate Of Status
+ + Certified Copies Of Approved Paperwork
Here is some more DBA / FICTITIOUS NAME information
:: Within 24 hours you will receive an email confirmation of your payment.
:: Within 1 business day we will place a legal publication with your DBA county and send you an email confirmation.
:: Your paperwork will be filed on the same day your publication goes to print. We will send you an email confirmation with a tracking number.
:: Our publisher will mail Proof Of Publication to the business mailing address you list on the online application.
:: Within 1-2 business days after publication we will email you your final approved by the state application as a PDF attachment. Use this document for any legal reason, to prove the active status and legality of your Fictitious Name/DBA. With it you can open business bank accounts, apply for licenses and permits, etc.
:: Your complete filing takes about 1 week, depending on your county.
:: All orders are initiated within 1 business day, no extra fee
:: Name Availability Search
:: Legal publication of business name with your county
:: Transmittal of proof of publication via mail
:: Filing of DBA / Fictitious Name application
:: Transmittal of approved registration documents via email
:: Filing approval guarantee !!!
:: 1 hour Tax Webinar, which will provide you with general information about taxation
:: Consultation and business documents forever for the DBA you register
:: “File-It-Yourself Tax ID” – ready in 15 minutes
:: Step by step email updates about your order
:: Customer Support by phone, chat and email
Florida state requires every intent to register a Fictitious Name / DBA be published within the county where the business resides, prior to registration. Publication service is included in our charge of $220. Our legal publisher will mail proof of publication free of charge.
A fictitious name means any name under which a person transacts business in this state, other than his legal name. Business means any enterprise or venture in which a person sells, buys, exchanges, barters, deals, or represents the dealing in any thing or article of value, or renders services for compensation. Legal name means a person’s given name, or an entity that has been properly registered. Examples: trademarks, service marks, corporations, limited partnerships, etc.
You can use your DBA name instead of your personal name to conduct business, collect payments and open bank accounts.
It allows a single legal entity (corporation, LLC, etc.) to operate multiple businesses without creating a new legal entity for each business.
Cost-effective and simple way to start doing business, without ongoing maintenance or the costs associated with forming a Corporation or LLC.
The registration of a Fictitious Name does not satisfy the Workers Comp Exemption requirements. To meet the Workers Comp exemption requirements, Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization for a Limited Liability Company must be filed. Corporations satisfy the Wrokers comp requirements for both construction and non-construction industries, LLCs only satisfy the requirements for construction industry.
Once we complete your registration filing and email you your approved paperwork, you can obtain your occupational license on site at any Tax Collector office within the city/county where your business is located.
The fictitious name registration is valid for a period of 5 years and expires on December 31 of the 5th year. The Division of Corporations will mail a renewal application to the last reported mailing address at least 3 months prior to its expiration. All fictitious names registered must maintain a current mailing address with the Division. Address changes must be made by letter or other written communication to the Division of Corporations.
Upon registration we will email your confirmation documents. Those will be sent as a .pdf attachment to the email address you list on the online application. You can use those documents for any legal reason to proof the status of your DBA, such as opening a bank account or applying for licenses and permits. Our publisher will mail proof of the publication of your DBA to the address you list on the online application.
Fictitious business name and DBA or “doing business as” name are one and the same. There is no difference between the two. A fictitious business name is, in fact, frequently referred to as DBA and vice versa. It is also often called an assumed business name or a trade name, the latter because it is the name you are using to engage in your chosen trade, occupation or business.
If you’re not going to use your own name as the name of your company (example: John Smith), you’re going to need a fictitious business name, or DBA (Doing Business As). With a DBA, you can legally publish your business name everywhere: the phone book, your business cards, advertisements, directories, etc. You’re putting yourself at risk without one.
DBA registration is necessary if your company conducts any business and/or collects money under a name other than your own name. “Conducting business” can include marketing, advertising, letterhead, business cards, etc., in addition to actual business transactions. Also, banks generally require a DBA registration in order to open a business bank account
Just as important is your ability to open a bank account with your business name. However, over 70% of people make mistakes while trying to file legal documents, so doing a DBA without help can be challenging.
- Open a bank account and collect checks and payments under your business name
- Start publishing and advertising on business cards, signs and your website
- Look more professional and discourage others from using your name
Fortunately, we makes the process easy. Simply answer a few questions online, and we will prepare the application for you, and file it with the proper state agency.
DBAs are generally filed with the state and/or county and/or city where you are going to conduct business under the DBA name. Some jurisdictions also require publication of an announcement of the DBA filing in specific publications.
The laws requiring DBA registration extend to LLCs and Corporations. If the company conducts business under any name other than the exact legal name that appears on the LLC’s or Corporation’s formation documents, they are required to register it as a DBA. “Conducting business” can include marketing materials, letterhead, business cards, etc. in addition to actual business transactions. Also, banks generally require a DBA registration prior to opening a business bank account or establishing a line of credit.
There are restrictions on the words that a DBA can contain. However, most of the restrictions are in place to ensure that your DBA name does not mislead the general public or imply that the business is a different type of entity than it actually is. For example, you cannot make your DBA name “Acme Incorporated” if you have not filed the necessary documents to legally form a Corporation. Likewise, you cannot include “LLC” in your DBA name if you haven’t yet filed the documents to legally form an LLC, also you cannot use Ltd., LP, LLP, etc.
When a DBA name is registered it usually does not reserve the name against future use by another business. The registration of a DBA name is simply for required public notice and financial purposes and does not ensure that the business registering the name has exclusive rights to own it or use it. To ensure exclusive rights to the use of a name, trademark registration is required.
Currently, there are no state, county, or municipal restrictions on how many DBA names a business may register.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, registration under the Fictitious Name Act, 865.09 Florida Statutes, is for public notice only, and gives rise to no presumption of the registrant’s rights to own or use the name registered, nor does it affect trademark, service mark, trade name or corporate name rights previously acquired by others in the name or a similar name. Registration under this Act does not reserve a fictitious name against future use by another party.
Registration under the Fictitious Name Act is for public notice only and gives rise to no presumption of the registrant’s rights to own or use the name registered nor does it affect trademark, service mark, or corporate name rights previously acquired by others in the same or similar name. Registration under this section does not reserve a fictitious name against future use.
Electronic signatures have the same legal effect as original signatures. Typing in someone’s name/signature without their permission constitutes forgery.
If a change of ownership occurs, the owner(s) of record must file a cancellation and re-registration within 30 days of the change.
If the registration is no longer active, you can file a cancellation.
Fictitious names are valid for 5 years and expire on December 31st of the fifth year.
Each Fictitious Name Registration must be renewed between July 1 and December 31 of the expiration year to maintain registration. The Division of Corporations will mail to the last reported mailing address, at least 3 months prior to its expiration date, a statement of renewal.